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Newcastle university london Detailed Analysis And Recommendations For JAEGDM Telecommunication.

Newcastle university london Detailed Analysis And Recommendations For JAEGDM Telecommunication.

Module Name: International Business Simulation
Team Name: GROUP 48
Team Member # 2: ADENIYI ESTHER
Team Member # 3: ASHANTI MENDIS
Team Member # 4: GHOUSIA FATIMA
Team Member # 5: JISHAN HAN
Tutor # 1 Name: Dr Olu Alele
Tutor # 2 Name: Dr Carly Foster
Tutor # 3 Name: Dr Dilesha Rathyanake
Key Performance Indicators
Overview of Business
At JAEGDM Telecommunication, we utilize rigorous
academic research to comprehend market
dynamics and client preferences. Our commitment is to
provide advanced solutions that
revolutionize connectivity and empower individuals,
organizations, and communities. By leveraging
influential studies like Johnson and Whittaker
examination of telecommunication patterns (2019),
our objective is to mold the future of telecoms by
consistently introducing new ideas and
maintaining an unwavering commitment to excellence
and dependability.
Business Objectives
The Key Performance indicators in JAEGDM
Telecommunications is customer satisfaction and
customer intimacy with our product, Understanding
their needs and preferences helps in ultimately
Enhancing customer loyalty. The focus is on customercentric approaches which leads to better
product/service customization And improved
customer experience.
Our mission at JAEGDM Telecommunication is deeply
rooted in academic research insights into industry
dynamics and customer preferences. Drawing from
seminal works such as Johnson and Whittaker’s analysis China
of telecommunication trends (Johnson & Whittaker,
• Connecting to the world
• Sustainable Future
• Highly reliable
• Sustainable goals
• Employee Motivation
Business Operations refers to activities that
By using the insights gleaned from their groundbreaking businesses engage in a daily basic to increase the
work, we endeavors to shape the future orientation of value of enterprises and earn a profit. The activities
can be optimized to generate sufficient revenues to
the industry.
cover expenses and earn a profit for the owner of
the business. Employees help to accomplish the
business goals by preforming certain functions such
Our competitive strategy is to focus on all our
as marketing, accounting , manufacturing, etc.
aspect, cost leadership, product leadership and
customer intimacy. So, we can balance and achieve
our strategy in the market competition such as
Price, Quality and strong brand image with good
customer intimacy which is equally important to
Demographic HRM research provides valuable
our business.
insights into the complexities of managing a diverse
and multigenerational work force , addressing
demographic challenges and opportunities, and
fostering an inclusive and equitable work
environment. By understanding and leveraging
Apparently, A strong competitor in the smartphone
demographic factors in HR practices and strategies
market, we chose to implement a low price and growth
organizations can enhance employee engagement,
strategy which could be achievable by following actions:
performance and organizational success in today’s
Product Differentiation, Market Segmentation,
dynamic and evolving
Competitive Strategy
Human Resource
Pricing/Marketing Strategy
Penetration Pricing, Bundle Pricing and so on
In Europe and America, the technological competition is
fierce. So, pricing stays lower than rivals to draw more
buyers. (Nagle & Müller, 2017). Our company’s pricing
of each mobile phone under the strategy of low cost,
low profit and high sales volume is based on the
following factors.
The price takes into account of various costs in running
the company, in which the company minimizes
production costs to ensure that the company’s products
are competitively priced, and for markets in different
regions the company selects multiple transport
companies, the costs of marketing inputs are high, and
the pricing covers these costs whilst leaving some profit
Finance is not only about making profits but
also about the spending money and
The company received the good response from
different countries but the best among them is
china as shown in the graph below.
Chart 1. Label in 24pt Calibri.
Potential Risks related to
Investment & Business
There are several major risk factors going through the
company’s decision making which the brand must take
notice too and work onto minimize its occurrence. The
most likely sense that may be implemented on our
1. Imbalance Market, Consumer Preferences, Market
2. High debts, Cash flow, Mis-management
3. Entering new markets, Launching new products,
acquisitions issues deliver causing low inappropriate
This risk could e directly result to company overall
performance, influencing and decreasing sales revenue
and net profit.
Recommendations to
As a shareholder, Recommendations plays a wise roles
in a business context as they help align shareholders
interest, company strategies and operations.
Successful communications of such recommendations
ensures that shareholders understand the company’s
directions, enhancing their confidence and support
{Basu, 2019}.
Apparently, a few recommendations to our company’s
shareholders regarding managing environmental risk
❖ Sustainability Initiatives
❖ Employee training and Educations
❖ Transparency and Communications
❖ Diversifications of Product line
❖ Adaptive Pricing Strategy
1. Américo, M. A. G. de O. (2018). Definition and implementation of KPIs for a small service sector company. Final Course Work, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. Retrieved
from Accessed in April 25th 20 Freitas, A. F. de, Carvalhedo, A. G., &
Filho, É. C. (2021). The Importance of Human Resources in Organizations. Retrieved from Accessed in April 25th 2024;
2. Basu, C. (2019). The Importance of Shareholders in Business. Small Business –
3. Johnson, M., & Whittaker, J. (2019). “Telecommunication Industry: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities.” International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(10), e4187.
4. Khan, A., & Haque, A. (2020). Sustainability in Telecommunication Companies: A Case Study of Phone Manufacturing. Journal of Sustainable Business, 15(3), 45–62.
Business Objectives
Module Number:
Module Title:
Module Tutor Name: Dr Olu Alele
Coursework Title:
Word count:
Company Name:
Team Members:
Group 48
MSc Business with Business Analytics
SWOT Analysis Internal……………………………………………………4,5
Competitive Strategy……………………………………………………….5
Human Resources…………………………………………………………….6
Pricing/Marketing Strategy……………………………………………….6,7
Key Performance Indicators………………………………………………7
Potential Risks Related to Investment & Business
Recommendations to Shareholders…………………………………..8
JAEGDM Telecommunication Company is a telecommunications company
headquartered in the United Kingdom. Our mission is to provide quality
products and superior service to customers, create a respectful work
environment for employees, and foster strong relationships with business
partners. Our vision is to connect the world for a sustainable future with highly
reliable communication solutions.
At JAEGDM Telecommunication, we utilize rigorous academic research to
comprehend market dynamics and client preferences. Our commitment is to
provide advanced solutions that revolutionize connectivity and empower
individuals, organizations, and communities. By leveraging influential studies
like Johnson and Whittaker’s examination of telecommunication patterns
(2019), our objective is to mold the future of telecoms by consistently
introducing new ideas and maintaining an unwavering commitment to
excellence and dependability.
Our mission at JAEGDM Telecommunication is deeply rooted in academic
research insights into industry dynamics and customer preferences. Drawing
from seminal works such as Johnson and Whittaker’s analysis of
telecommunication trends (Johnson & Whittaker, 2019). By using the insights
gleaned from their groundbreaking work, we endeavor to shape the future
orientation of the industry. Rather than merely following trends, our aim is to
set new standards that anticipate and meet the evolving needs of our customers
and society.
❖ Connecting to the world
❖ Sustainable Future
❖ Highly reliable
❖ Sustainable goals
❖ Employee Motivation
In essence, our mission statement reflects our steady commitment to innovation
and leadership within the telecom sector. We embrace a forward-thinking
approach, unafraid to challenge conventions and discover new horizons.
Through our dedication to pushing boundaries and fostering seamless digital
experiences, we strive to enrich the lives of individuals from all walks of life,
regardless of their background or location.
Our target market is the global telecommunications industry, with a focus on
quality and customer intimacy. Our financial goals include a return on equity of
5% and a sustainable score of 50. We have a competitive landscape with two
competitors for price and quality in 2027 and one competitor for each category
in 2025.
Our communication strategy includes utilizing news outlets, press releases, and
targeted marketing campaigns to communicate with stakeholders and the public.
Our business plan focuses on three strategic pillars: cost leadership, product
leadership, and customer intimacy. We aim to offer competitive pricing while
maintaining quality, continuously innovate to provide top-tier products, and
ensure a personalized and superior customer experience.
SWOT Analysis Internal:

Customer Intimacy: JAEGDM Telecommunications excels at fostering
strong relationships with customers and understanding their needs and
preferences. This focus on customer-centric approaches enhances
customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to better product and service
customization and an improved overall customer experience.

Communication Channels: Inadequate communication channels or
platforms may pose challenges to effectively understanding and
addressing customer needs. Insufficient use of data analytics and
customer feedback mechanisms could hinder the company’s ability to
tailor services accordingly. Continuous assessment and improvement of
communication strategies are essential to mitigate this weakness and
enhance customer intimacy.

Personalized Communication Strategies: Implementing personalized
communication strategies can enhance customer intimacy by delivering
targeted messages and offers to specific customer segments.
Data Analytics: Leveraging data analytics for customer insights enables
JAEGDM Telecommunications to understand customer behavior and

preferences better, facilitating the development of tailored services and
Innovative Services: Developing innovative services tailored to specific
customer segments can further enhance customer intimacy and
differentiation in the market.
Customer Feedback Mechanisms: Investing in customer feedback
mechanisms allows JAEGDM Telecommunications to gather insights
directly from customers, enabling the company to adapt and improve its
services based on their preferences.
Adaptability to Market Trends: Staying adaptable to evolving market
trends ensures JAEGDM Telecommunications remains responsive to
changing customer needs and preferences, creating new business
opportunities, and strengthening customer relationships.

Increasing Competition: Intensifying competition in the
telecommunications industry may pose a threat to JAEGDM
Telecommunications’ customer intimacy efforts, especially if other
companies offer more personalized services.
Rapid Technological Advancements: Rapid technological advancements
can pose a threat if JAEGDM Telecommunications fails to adapt quickly,
potentially leading to a disconnect with customer expectations.
External Factors: Economic downturns or regulatory changes can impact
customer preferences, posing challenges to maintaining effective
intimacy strategies. Staying vigilant and agile in response to these threats
is essential for sustaining customer-centric approaches.
We are committed to achieving our goals and delivering on our promises to our
customers, employees, and shareholders.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, JAEGDM Telecommunication
Company has developed a comprehensive sustainability policy that aligns with
the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our sustainability
efforts are aimed at addressing environmental, social, and economic concerns
while driving innovation and value creation in the telecommunications industry.
Competitive Strategy
Our competitive strategy is to focus on all our aspects, cost leadership, product
leadership and customer intimacy. So, we can balance and achieve our strategy
in the market competition such as Price, Quality and strong brand image with
good customer intimacy which is equally important to our business.
Business Operations refers to activities that businesses engage in daily life to
increase the value of enterprises and earn a profit. The activities can be
optimized to generate sufficient revenues to cover expenses and earn a profit
for the owner of the business. Employees help to accomplish business goals by
performing certain functions such as marketing, accounting, manufacturing
etc. Operations management involves the design, planning, and control of
business processes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness (Smith
& Johnson, 2019). Efficient operations management can lead to cost savings
and improved customer satisfaction (Brown & White, 2020).
Human Resources plays a critical role in shaping organizational culture and
driving employee engagement (Johnson & Lee, 2019). Demographic HRM
research provides valuable insights into the complexities of managing a diverse
and multigenerational work force, addressing demographic challenges and
opportunities, and fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment. By
understanding and leveraging demographic factors in HR practices and
strategies organizations can enhance employee engagement, performance,
and organizational success in today’s dynamic and evolving.
To be a strong competitor in the smartphone market, we chose to implement a
low price and growth strategy to increase market share, revenue, and
profitability. This could be achievable by following these actions: Product
Differentiation, Market Segmentation, Penetration Pricing, Bundle Pricing,
Skimming Pricing, Value-Based Pricing, Promotional Pricing, Geographical
Pricing, Dynamic Pricing & Continuous Innovation. In Europe and America,
technological competition is fierce. So, pricing stays lower than rivals to draw
more buyers. (Nagle & Müller, 2017). Our company’s pricing of each mobile
phone under the strategy of low cost, low profit and high sales volume is based
on the following factors.
The price takes into account of various costs in running the company, in which
the company minimizes production costs to ensure that the company’s
products are competitively priced, and for markets in different regions the
company selects multiple transport companies, the costs of marketing inputs
are high, and the pricing covers these costs whilst leaving some profit margins.
The company will position itself accordingly for different countries. In
developed countries, distribution and marketing costs are lower and hence
pricing may be relatively lower. In emerging markets such as India, where
production costs are low, but promotion requires a lot of effort use relatively
higher pricing. Finally, the company also considers the pricing strategies of
other competitors within the same market.
The Key Performance indicators in JAEGDM Telecommunications is customer
satisfaction and customer intimacy with our product, understanding their
needs and preferences helps in ultimately Enhancing customer loyalty. The
focus is on customer- centric approaches which leads to better product/service
customization and improved customer experience.
There are several major risk factors going through the company’s decision
making which the brand must take notice too and work onto minimize its
occurrence. The most likely sense that may be implemented on our operations:
❖ Imbalance Market, Consumer Preferences, Market Structure
High debts, Cash flow, Mismanagement.
❖ Entering new markets, launching new products, acquisitions issues
deliver causing low inappropriate result.
This risk could directly result in the company’s overall performance, influencing
and decreasing sales revenue and net profit.
As a shareholder, Recommendations plays a wise role in a business context as
they help align shareholders interest, company strategies and operations.
Successful communications of such recommendations ensures that
shareholders understand the company’s directions, enhancing their confidence
and support {Basu, 2019}.
Although, a few recommendations to our company’s shareholders regarding
managing environmental risk are:

Sustainability Initiatives
Employee training and Education
Transparency and communication
Diversification of product line
Adaptive pricing strategies
Peer Assessment Table

Group Minutes Agenda
1. Johnson, M., & Whittaker, J. (2019). “Telecommunication Industry: Trends, Challenges,
and Opportunities.” International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(10), e4187.
2. Khan, A., & Haque, A. (2020). Sustainability in Telecommunication Companies: A Case
Study of Phone Manufacturing. Journal of Sustainable Business, 15(3), 45–62.
3. Américo, M. A. G. de O. (2018). Definition and implementation of KPIs for a small
service sector company. Final Course Work, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
Retrieved from
liveiraamerico.pdf. Accessed in April 25th 20 Freitas, A. F. de, Carvalhedo, A. G., &
Filho, É. C. (2021). The Importance of Human Resources in Organizations. Retrieved
from Accessed in April 25th 2024;
4. Basu, C. (2019). The Importance of Shareholders in Business. Small Business
5. Johnson, M., & Whittaker, J. (2019). “Telecommunication Industry: Trends, Challenges,
and Opportunities.” International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(10), e4187.
6. Khan, A., & Haque, A. (2020). Sustainability in Telecommunication Companies: A Case
Study of Phone Manufacturing. Journal of Sustainable Business, 15(3), 45–62.
Assessment Brief – Postgraduate
Module Code:
Module Title:
International Business Simulation
Distributed on:
Week 1
Hand in Date:
Advised Locally on Blackboard
Further information about general assessment criteria, ARTA regulations, referencing and plagiarism
can be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal. Students are advised to read and follow
this information.
This assessment includes group work therefore it is important that students familiarise themselves with
protocols for these activities and follow these during the course of the assessment. The document can
be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal.
You will participate in an international business simulation based on the Global Telecommunications
industry. The purpose of the simulation is to give you the opportunity to apply the knowledge you have
gained from the modules completed in semester one of your study by setting up and running a business.
You must demonstrate your understanding of the following core concepts in both Assessment A and
Assessment B:•
How the four core functional areas (marketing, finance, human resources and operations
management) interact with each other.
In teaching week 5 of semester two, you will attend skills sessions which will explain the objectives of
the simulation and the process for making decisions. You will continue to work in the teams you were
assigned at the Residential in semester one. Each team has to set up a smartphone company which
includes agreeing company strategy, values and targets and enter new markets with the agreed
Teams will compete against each other by earning points. Points are assigned based on a company’s
performance against the targets that they set for themselves; further points are awarded for core
performance metrics such as profit and market share. There are five rounds and points are awarded
each week; the decision deadlines are set for 5pm on the day before you are timetabled to be in a studio
session e.g. if you are timetabled to be in a studio on Wednesday at 1230pm you MUST submit your
decisions in the online business platform by 5pm each Tuesday by 5pm. The objective for each team
is to maximise the points that they have by the end of the five decision rounds. It is important to
remember that the simulation is not the assessment i.e. the winning team does not necessarily gain a
higher grade than the team who comes second. Rather, the simulation is designed to give you the
opportunities, experiences, data and materials on which you will decide, reflect and analyse.
In order to complete the assessment detailed below, it is essential that each student keeps a
detailed record of the team meetings, the decisions made, the rationale for these decisions and
their own role as a member of the team.
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Assessment Brief – Postgraduate
Assessment A – Business Model Group Poster (30%)
The poster will assess the following Module Outcomes: Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:
MLO3. Be able to critically apply simulation-based software in a given problem scenario.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
MLO4. Demonstrate ability to work in cross-cultural teams.
Each team will submit a Group poster/infographic on the Round 1 decisions with the following sections:
1. Create an infographic/poster highlighting the key details of your business plan that could
encourage entry of your global telecommunications business into new markets. This should
include key elements of the items marked (a – f) below and the targets to be met in round 5.
2. Produce a 10-minute pitch presentation in which your group presents your infographic/poster
discussing the items marked a-f in each round and how these strategies feed into your overall
market strategy. Your presentation should include recommendations on how these feed into
your overall strategy and its impact on SDG’s, (you will be marked individually on the quality of
your presentation). Peer assessment form with the names and signatures of all team
members (see final page of this brief). [20%]
3. See the attached marking rubric for the marking criteria breakdown for each section. Group
members who fail to present will receive a mark of 0 for their presentation. Group members will
be expected to conduct a peer assessment as part of their final mark.
4. The team’s business plan for Round 1 (word limit 1,500 words) as follows: [60%]
a. Mission statement – what is the purpose of your company?
b. Business Objectives – measurable targets for the end of Round 5 (e.g., Market Share,
c. Chosen market segments: (Price, Customer Intimacy and Quality) with brief
descriptions of your growth strategy.
d. Competitive strategy – What is the rationale/unique features that differentiate your
product from your competitors? How is this linked to your overall strategy?
e. Target Ranking: What is the rationale underlying the choices of markets, delivery, and
expansion targets.
f. Pricing Strategy: What is the rationale for the prices charged for each mobile phone?
5. It is the responsibility of the team to provide an appendix of minutes of the meetings leading to
decision making in each Round. These meetings likely require a full A4 page should
include attendance, agenda, topics discussed and decision making. [20%]
Instructions on crafting your Assignment:

You may use any software to create your poster/infographic. Your tutor suggests that you
employ Panopto or PowerPoint to present your poster because of its easy user interface for
collaboration among team members.
Your poster/infographic should be clear and contain key information and visualize data where
Your poster/infographic should be concise and accompanied by a bibliography (in APA format)
It should be saved as a PDF, combined with the bibliography, and submitted via Turnitin on your
presentation date (to be confirmed by module leader).
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Assessment Brief – Postgraduate

Pitch presentations should be MAXIMUM 10 minutes long, to be accompanied by the
Each group member is required to present, and an individual mark will be awarded for the
effectiveness of the presentation. Members that fail to present will receive a mark of 0 for this
criterion (see rubric below).
Assessment B –
Individual Analytical and Reflective Report (70%)
The individual report will assess the following Module Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding:
MLO1. Demonstrate critical understanding of how different business functions interact and contribute
to meeting strategic objectives.
Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:
MLO 2. Systematically identify and be able to critically analyse and evaluate responsible and integrated
strategic decision-making through a cross-functional approach.
MLO 3. Be able to critically apply simulation-based software in a given problem scenario.
Each team will submit Individual Analytical and Reflective Report (2,500 words) as a single
document on business simulation with the following sections:
1. Front page, with your name, ID, Seminar Group number, Team number and word count.
2. Table of Contents (with page numbers)
3. Introduction: A brief (maximum 100 words) statement of the business objectives (from
Assignment A) and company performance during the simulated business environment, This
should highlight how you succeeded in meeting the core five (5) business targets; a
table/diagram in each functional business areas showing the uniqueness of meeting these
targets. It is important to highlight if your company has met strategic objectives such as meeting
the highest annual profit, highest overall reserve, highest annual sales number, highest
global annual turnover, highest turnover in Europe and outside Europe at the end of your
trading activity in round 5.
4. Company Performance: A concise analysis and rationale of growth strategy and sustainability
policy (700 words) ensuring that a detail explanation of all events and scenario of what
happened during the simulation studio exercise aided by graphs/tables of key financial and nonfinancial data for the company [35%].
Guidance: It is important to show that you are fully aware and understand what happened
during the seminar sessions in the simulation studio. You MUST start with the Round 1
forecasted targets and measure this against the key performance indicators (KPIs), compare
the Round 1 results with the targets explain the differences in detail, and the key issues that
arose. Go on to explain the rationale for the Round 2 decisions, what these were, then present
the Round 2 forecast. Follow this approach for each subsequent round. You should then
comment on the trends in KPIs over the simulation exercise. The KPIs should include highest
annual profit, highest overall reserve, highest annual sales number, highest global
annual turnover. It is suggested that you discuss suitable KPIs with the tutors for each of the
four functional areas during your studio session each week. The main question you want to
answer here is how your growth strategy has impacted individual or organisational decision
making on social or environmental contexts. Correctly setting your targets might ensure your
team victory and meeting these targets around the sustainable development goals (SDG’s) will
earn additional marks.
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Assessment Brief – Postgraduate
5. Learning: A critical analysis (1,200 words) on how the team used the business functional
areas (financial, marketing, operations, and human resources management) material taught
during the first few weeks of the term helped the company make responsible business decisions.
You are required to conduct a critical, comprehensive analysis of the internal and external
business environment, highlighting key trends, challenges and opportunities that fuel the
company’s international competitive advantage. Justify your analysis by applying the applicable
theories and models to generate growth strategies. Ensure that you include a detailed analysis
of the business scenarios during the simulation studio exercise aided by graphs/tables of key
financial and non-financial data for the company. The overarching goal here is to ensure that
you apply strategic growth models and frameworks in your analysis. You should endeavor to
evaluate market dynamics and competition, develop a business model for a sustainable
multinational corporation. [50%]
Guidance: For each of the decisions, explain how you made the decisions during the simulation
exercise. Looking back, discuss how you could have made better decisions by making better
use of the material taught during the semester, particularly how the functions integrate into a
competitive corporate strategy.
You want to ensure that you have included a business environment analysis incorporating either
an internationalisation strategy broken down into internal and external analysis or just using a
generic Industry analysis alone.
Include citations within the text to refer to relevant readings covered in class.
6. Team Performance: A critical evaluation (400 words) of the performance of the team and a
personal reflection on your role in the team [15%].
Guidance: Discuss, for example, the organisation of the team, the effectiveness of the decisionmaking process, and the roles played by individuals including leadership during the simulation
exercises in the studio. How effective was your contribution to the team? What did you learn about
effective teamwork and decision making?
Reflect on your experience in working in a culturally diverse team. What would you do differently if
you were given a clean slate to simulate a new business again? It is important to go beyond simply
“telling a story” and to make use of relevant material from the Leadership and Management module.
Make use of the meeting logs that you kept during the exercise. Do not talk about the specific areas
of contribution, e.g. how you made financial or marketing decisions, but how you developed as a team
member and how you would approach a similar exercise differently should such an opportunity arise.
7. Conclusion: An evaluation (100 words) of the extent to which your organisation met the key
strategic objectives set out in part 3 above, with an indication for the reasons these objectives
were fully met, partially met, or not met at all.
8. References: Remember that all sources cited in the assignment should appear in the reference
9. Appendices (not more than 6 pages): These should be used for supporting data and can
include tables and graphs. However, Section 4 should include graphs of key data to support
the explanation of performance. Key graphs and tables

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